
© National Instruments Corporation I-3 6023E/6024E/6025E User Manual
DAC0OUT signal
analog output signal connections,
4-19 to 4-20
description (table), 4-4
signal summary (table), 4-7
DAC1OUT signal
analog output signal connections,
4-19 to 4-20
description (table), 4-4
signal summary (table), 4-7
DAQ timing connections, 4-32 to 4-40
AIGATE signal, 4-39
EXTSTROBE* signal, 4-33 to 4-34
SCANCLK signal, 4-33
SISOURCE signal, 4-40
STARTSCAN signal, 4-36 to 4-38
TRIG1 signal, 4-34 to 4-35
TRIG2 signal, 4-35 to 4-36
typical posttriggered acquisition
(figure), 4-32
typical pretriggered acquisition
(figure), 4-33
DAQCard-6024E block diagram, 3-2
DATA signal
description (table), 4-26
mode 1 input timing (figure), 4-27
mode 1 output timing (figure), 4-28
mode 2 bidirectional timing (figure), 4-29
device and RTSI clocks, 3-9
DGND signal
description (table), 4-4
digital I/O signal connections,
4-20 to 4-21
signal summary (table), 4-7
DIFF mode
description (table), 3-3
recommended configuration
(figure), 4-12
differential connections, 4-13 to 4-16
ground-referenced signal sources, 4-14
nonreferenced or floating signal
when to use, 4-13
digital I/O. See also PPI (Programmable
Peripheral Interface).
common questions, C-3 to C-5
overview, 3-7
signal connections, 4-20 to 4-22
block diagram of digital I/O
connections (figure), 4-22
digital I/O connections (figure), 4-21
digital I/O specifications
PCI and PXI buses, A-7 to A-8
DIO<0..7>, A-7
PA<0..7>, PB<0..7>, PC<0..7>, A-7
PCMCIA bus, A-16
DIO<0..7>, A-16
digital trigger specifications, A-9
DIO power-up state, changing to pulled
low, 4-24 to 4-25
DIO<0..7> signal
description (table), 4-4
digital I/O signal connections,
4-20 to 4-21
digital I/O specifications, A-7
signal summary (table), 4-7
dithering, 3-4 to 3-5
conventions used in manual, xi-xii
related documentation, xii
EEPROM storage of calibration constants, 5-1
environment specifications
PCI and PXI buses, A-10
PCMCIA bus, A-18
environmental noise, 4-49
equipment, optional, 1-5 to 1-6