Charcoal Grilling Chart
Food Direct/Indirect Heat Cooking Time Helpful Suggesons
1 in. (2.54cm) thick
Direct heat 6-8 min.– Medium When selecng meat for grilling, ask
for marbled fat distribuon. The fat
acts as a natural tenderizer while
cooking and keeps it moist and juicy.
1/2 in (1.27cm) thick
Direct heat 6-8 min.– Medium Preparing hamburgers to order is
made easier by varying the thickness
of your paes. To add an exoc taste
to your meat, try adding hickory-a-
vored woodchips to the charcoal.
Chicken pieces Direct heat approx 2 min.
per side.
Indirect heat for the
remaining 18-20 min.
20-25 min. The joint connecng the thigh and
the leg from the skinless side should
be sliced 3/4 of the way though for
the meat to lay aer on the grill.
This helps it to cook faster and more
evenly. To add a trademark taste to
your cooking, try adding mesquite-
avored woodchips to the charcoal.
Pork chops Direct heat 10-15 min. Trim o the excess fat before grilling.
Choose thicker chops for more tender
Spare ribs Direct heat for 5 min.
Indirect heat to nish
1.5-2 hrs.
turning oen
Choose ribs that are lean and meaty.
Grill unl meat easily pulls away from
the bone.
Lamb chops Direct heat 25-30 min. Trim o the excess fat before grilling.
Choose extra thick chops for more
tender results.
Hot dogs Direct heat 4-6 min. Select the larger size wieners. Slit the
skin lengthwise before grilling.
Charcoal Cooking Guide
Charcoal is the tradional way of cooking that we are all familiar with. The glowing briquees emit infra-
red energy to the food being cooked, with very lile drying eect. Any juices or oils that escape from the
food drip down onto the charcoal and vaporize into smoke giving the food its delicious grilled taste. The
boom line is that Napoleon’s charcoal grill produces searing heat for juicier, taser steaks, hamburgers
and other meats. For cooking mes and ps refer to the Charcoal Grilling Chart.
The following grilling chart is meant to be a guideline only. Cooking mes are aected by such factors as
altude, outside temperature, wind, and desired doneness, which will be reected in your cooking me.
Use a meat thermometer to ensure foods are adequately cooked.