RX 1510-C/-I/-CI
– 84 –
8.2 Maintenance plan
No.: Description: Remarks: Page:
Every day
9.8 –Check engine oil level – Observe gauge marking 82
- Check machine for external damages
- Check hydraulic oil level
- Visual inspection
- Oil level eye 85
9.4 - Check fuel level - Fuel gauge 78
9.13 - Check cooling water level 89
9.7 - Check air filter 81
- Diesel engine see operating instructions Lombardini LDW 1003 (Annex)
After 25 hours of operation
- Check all bolts and screws for tightness Tightening torques
- Lubricate all lubrication nipples
9.5 - Check the fuel filter 79
- Diesel engine see operating instructions Lombardini LDW 1003 (Annex)
After 75 hours of operation
9.12 - Exchange the combination filters 87
9.17 - Service the battery Grease the terminals 93
- Attention: Engine oil Diesel engine (see operating
instructions Lombardini LDW 1003)
(see Annex)
Every 100 operating hours
9.7 - Replace air filter cartridge (earlier, if necessary) 81
9.18 - Tighten screws on side panels and at the articulation. 94
Every 200 operating hours
- Check all bolts and screws for tightness Tightening torques 96
9.5 - Exchange the fuel filter 79
- Inspect all diesel lines for leaks
Every 500 operating hours
- Diesel engine see operating instructions Lombardini LDW
1003 - exchanging line filters
(see Annex)
Every 1000 operating hours
9.11 - Change hydraulic oil (at least 1 x annually) 86
9.5 - Exchange the fuel filter 79
9.12 - Replace suction filter 87
As required
9.19 - Adjusting stripper 94
- Check all bolts and screws for tightness Tightening torques 96
- Engine preservation see operating instructions
Lombardini LDW 1003
Maintaining the machine