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1.1 Features
1.1 Features
This section describes the features of the QD64D2.
(1) Counting at the maximum counting speed of 4Mpps is possible. (In 4
multiples of 2 phases)
Since the QD64D2 can be used for high-resolution encoder (e.g. linear scale), the
equipment can improve position detection accuracy and a workpiece can be moved at
(2) Wide range of expression on counting (from -2147483648 to 2147483647)
Count values can be stored in 32-bit signed binary.
(3) Pulse input selection
Pulse input can be selected from 1 multiple of 1 phase, 2 multiples of 1 phase, 1
multiple of 2 phases, 2 multiples of 2 phases, 4 multiples of 2 phases, and CW/CCW.
(4) Counter format selection
Either of the following counter formats can be selected.
(a) Linear counter format
From -2147483648 to 2147483647 can be counted and an overflow can be
detected when the count range is overrun.
(b) Ring counter format
Counts are repeatedly executed between the ring counter upper limit value and
ring counter lower limit value.
(5) Coincidence detection
The QD64D2 can compare the present value and comparison point, notify the
comparison result with input signal, and start an interrupt program when they match.
It also mounts 2-point external coincidence output for each channel, which permits
controlling external devices at high-speed.
According to application, select the coincidence output function or continuous
comparison function.
(a) Coincidence output function
Set 1 as the coincidence detection point for each point to compare it with the
present value.
Reset the coincidence output signal or change the coincidence detection point
with the sequence program.
Controlling equipment according to the operating status, such as change of the
coincidence detection point according to condition, is possible.