9. Adjustment
9 - 32
<Setting method>
<1> Adjust the vertical axis drop prevention time (SV048), and set the minimum value at which the axis
does not drop when emergency stop is input.
<2> Set the same value as the adjusted vertical axis drop prevention time (SV048) for the gate cutoff
maximum delay time during emergency stop (SV055).
<3> For the axis, for which the vertical drop is to be controlled, set the same value as the acceleration/
deceleration time constant for the deceleration control time constant at emergency stop (SV056).
<4> If the vertical axis is MDS-R-V2 (2-axis drive unit), set the servo parameters for the other axis in
the same unit.
SV048 = Same value as SV048 for vertical axis
SV055 = Same value as SV055 for vertical axis
SV056 = Same value as that axis' rapid traverse acceleration/deceleration time constant
No. Abbrev. Parameter name Explanation Setting range
SV048 EMGrt Vertical axis drop
prevention time
Input a length of time to prevent the vertical axis from dropping by
delaying Ready OFF until the brake works when the emergency stop
Increase the setting by 100msec at a time and set the value where
the axis does not drop.
0 to 20000
SV055 EMGx Max. gate off delay
time after
emergency stop
Set the time from when emergency stop is input to when READY is
forcibly turned OFF.
Normally, set the same value as SV056.
When using vertical axis drop prevention control, the gate off will be
delayed by the time set in SV048 even if SV055 is smaller than
0 to 20000
SV056 EMGt Deceleration time
constant at
emergency stop
In the vertical axis drop prevention time control, set the time constant
used for the deceleration control at emergency stop. Set a length of
time that takes from rapid traverse rate (rapid) to stopping.
Normally, set the same value as the rapid traverse
acceleration/deceleration time constant.
0 to 20000
1. SV048 (EMGrt) and SV055 (EMGx) are set for each axis. However, when
using a 2-axis drive unit, the value for the axis with the larger setting will be
2. When only SV048 (EMGrt) is set, step stop will be used for deceleration stop.