882.00207.00 Chapter 6: Troubleshooting 66 of 102
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting
6-1 Introduction
The utmost in safety precautions should be observed at all times when working on or around the
machine and the electrical components. All normal troubleshooting must be accomplished with the
power off, line fuses removed, and with the machine tagged as out of service.
The use of good quality test equipment cannot be overemphasized when troubleshooting is indicated.
Use a good ammeter that can measure at least twice the AC and DC current that can be encountered
for the machine. Be sure that the voltmeter has at least minimum impedance of 5,000 OHMS-per-
volt on AC and 20,000 OHMS-per-volt on DC scales. Popular combination meters, VOM and
VTVM can be selected to provide the necessary functions.
Before making haphazard substitutions and repairs when defective electrical components are
malfunctioning, we recommend that you check the associated circuitry and assemblies for other
defective devices. It is common to replace the obviously damaged component without actually
locating the real cause of the trouble. Such hasty substitutions will only destroy the new component.
Refer to wiring diagrams and schematics.
Locating mechanical problems, should they occur, is relatively straightforward. When necessary,
refer to the parts catalog section.
Figure 45: Typical Troubleshooting Problems and Suggested Corrective Actions
Problem Corrective action
Check to make sure that air is hooked up and the regulator gauge
reads at precisely 60 PSI.
Check that the access door to the mixer is shut properly.
Nothing happens when I push
“Start Blender”
Look on the Recipe Screen. If you see “Mixer Full”, then check
the mixer. If the mixer is not full, then check that the mixer prox
is adjusted properly (small screw on back).
“E-STOP has been Activated”
is shown
Check the E-Stop located on the front of the blender panel.
“Interface has been Locked” is
Click “Unlock” and enter in your User Password.
I’ve forgotten my User
Contact the Service Department.
Power was lost during a batch. Check your power source unless
you intentionally interrupted the power during the batch.
PLC Battery Low
Change out the PLC with your spare and reprogram new unit.
Send old PLC back to manufacturer for repair.