
Chapter 7: Boingo™ Hot Spot in a Box® Program for Hot Spot Businesses
Getting Started
Wireless-G VPN Broadband Router
8. The Almost Done screen will appear. Read the information, and then click the Complete Device Setup button
to save all of your settings.
Step 4: Return to the Device
After the Hot Spot tab reappears, click the Refresh button. A screen will appear to notify you that you are online.
Complete the configuration of the Router. When finished, the setup of your first Hot Spot in a Box device is
complete, and now it is an active Hot Spot location in the Boingo system.
You can manage your device (check usage, change settings, update contact information, review device statistics,
etc.) by going to the Boingo Administration site at http://admin.hotspot.boingo.com or www.boingo.com/selfcare.
Refer to the following section, “Administration Site.”
Figure 7-17: Almost Done