Camera Settings
1. Press Settings
2. Press Advanced
3. Press System Settings
4. Press Camera Settings
The Network camera has the following settings:
• Enabled - Allows the ethernet camera to be enabled or disabled.
• IP Address/Host Name
- This is the IP address (IPv4) or host name of the ethernet camera. The IP address may
have previously been manually programmed into the ethernet camera or the camera
may have obtained the address from a DHCP server.
- If a DNS server is being employed, then the ethernet camera can be addressed with
the host name of the camera. The DNS server will perform the IP address lookup
based on the host name.
- If the camera is using DHCP, then use the camera manufacturer-provided utility to find
the IP address.
• Username - Sets the username for access to the ethernet camera.
• Password - Sets the password for access to the ethernet camera
Ethernet Camera Firmware
It is important to ensure that the ethernet cameras are running the correct versions of firmware.
The Axis cameras MUST run a specific version of firmware; see the Table below for the Required
Firmware Revision.
The Sony cameras must run the minimum version of firmware shown in the Table below;
however, the Sony cameras can be run with newer versions of firmware.
If you are using an Axis camera, depending on when you purchased the camera it may be
necessary to reinstall the camera's firmware. It may require an upgrade or a downgrade to
ensure that the Axis camera is running the exact revision of firmware shown. If necessary you
can obtain a copy of the required firmware at Mitel On-Line.
Ethernet Camera
Required Firmware Revision,
Release 1.0, SP1
Required Firmware
Revision, Release 1.0
Axis: M1054 M1054_5_40_9_2.bin or newer M1054_5_21.bin Not applicable
Axis: M1104 M1104_5_40_9_2.bin or newer Not supported Not applicable
Sony - CH-110 Not applicable Not applicable 1.73
Sony - CH-120 Not applicable Not applicable 1.73