
Queue Status Reports
Table 3: Queue Status Reports
Key Number Sample Display Description
0 16 2 10 2 8 Condensed queue status report*
1 WAIT TIME 00:46 Average waiting time for agents in group
2 # ACD CALLS 16 Number of ACD calls answered by group
3 ACD CALL 02:36 Average duration of ACD calls
4 # NON ACD 8 Number of non-ACD calls made/answered by group
5 NON ACD 01:12 Average duration of non-ACD calls
6 # MADE BUSY 2 Number of times agents made busy
7 AVG BUSY 03:42 Average duration of make busy state
8 # ON HOLD 4 Number of ACD calls put on hard hold
9 AVG HOLD 00:51 Average duration of ACD calls on hard hold
* The condensed queue status report available to supervisors at key ”0“ consists
of the following information displayed from left to right:
Number of ACD calls answered by the group.
Number of abandoned ACD calls.
Number of agents logged in.
Number of times agents made busy.
Number of non-ACD calls handled by the group.
The report available to senior supervisors at key ”0“ consists only of ”Number of
agents logged in“ and not the condensed report that is available to a supervisor.