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LG KF750 | User Guide
Searching for stations
You can tune radio stations into your phone
by searching for them either manually or
automatically. They will then be saved to
specific channel numbers so you don’t have
to keep re-tuning. You can save up to 50
channels in your phone.
To auto tune:
1 Select FM radio then Options.
2 Select Auto scan then Ye s. The stations
found will automatically be allocated to a
channel number in your phone.
To manually tune:
1 Select FM radio then Options.
2 Select Channel list and enter the station
3 Select OK, then Save.
4 Select the channel number you want to
save the station to and select OK.
NOTE: You can also manually tune into
a station by using
(left) and (right)
displayed next to the radio frequency.
Editing the channels
You may want to move the stations to
another channel so that the ones you listen
to most frequently are easier to access.
1 Select FM radio then Options.
2 Select Channel list and select the
channel you want to change.
3 Either select a station from one of the
other channels, or manually tune the
channel into the frequency you want.
4 Select Save.
Resetting channels
1 Select FM radio then Options.
2 Select Channel list then Options.
3 Choose Reset channel to reset the
current channel or choose Reset all
channel to reset all of the channels.
Each channel will return to the starting
87.5Mhz frequency.
Listening to the radio
Select FM radio then enter the channel
number of the station you would like to
listen to.
TIP! To improve the radio
reception, extend the headset cord,
which functions as the radio antenna.