Document Title: 26
User’s Manual for the GPS Orion-S/-HD Receiver
Document No. Issue 1.0
GTN-MAN-0110 June 22, 2003
DLR/GSOCNo part of this document shall be reproduced in any form or disclosed to third parties without prior authorization.
4.3.2 Status Queries TA – Transmit Almanac
The TA command initiates the output of 32 messages (F13) containing the current GPS al-
manac data.
CmdID Chars. Format Description
TA 6 Transmit Almanacs
1x <STX>
2xx Command Id (=TA)
2xx Checksum
1x <ETX>
<STX>TA15<ETX> Dump current almanac TE – Transmit Ephemeris
The TE allows polling of GPS ephemeris data (F14 message) for one or all GPS satellites. In
case of an invalid argument the command is ignored and a response
I-TE-Ignored (invalid argument)
is issued.
CmdID Chars. Format Description
TE 6 Transmit Ephemeris
1x <STX>
2xx Command Id (=TE)
2xx PRN of selected satellite; 00 requests complete set of 32 ephemerides
2xx Checksum
1x <ETX>
• F14 ephemeris messages are also issued automatically, whenever updated GPS
data have been extracted from the navigation data stream broadcast by the GPS sat-
<STX>TE0011<ETX> Dump ephemerides for PRN 1 to 32
<STX>TE281B<ETX>Query ephemeris data for PRN 28