
6110 CCM Enterprise Node (CEN) is an add-on application that provides multi-site call center capabilities
for a single-server configuration. CEN provides centralized reporting for geographically dispersed call
centers. (To acquaint yourself with CEN, see page 60 of the Mitel Networks 6110 Contact Center
Management Installation Guide.)
If you have questions concerning setup, configuration, or customization, please refer to the online Help
files or the Mitel Networks 6110 CCM User Guide. If you require technical support, call us at 613-599-
0045, Monday to Friday, from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, or e-mail us at
support@prairiefyre.com. For proposals, pricing, competitive information, on-site setup, or training
please call our sales support group at 770-447-1350, or e-mail them at sales@prairiefyre.com.