5624 Wireless Handset User Guide
Customizing Your Phone
Switch the Handset On
When the handset is switched off:
1. Press and hold the On-hook key .
When pressing the On-hook key, the handset vibrates and the display lights ups.
2. Press "Yes" to confirm.
Switch the Handset Off
1. Press and hold the On-hook key .
The "Switch off?" window appears.
2. Press "Yes" to confirm.
Log a Shared Phone On/Off
The shared phone feature allows more than one user to use a handset. All parameters and
settings that are set in the Device Manager are loaded onto the handset upon logon. Parameters
that are changed in the handset by a logged-in user are stored by the Device Manager. When
the handset is logged out or switched off, the message list and call list in the handset disappears
and will be empty when a new user logs onto the handset.
The 5624 handsets are configured to be shared using the Device Manager. When a handset
is configured to be a shared phone, it can be used by any shared phone user in the system.
The user profile must have the phone mode “personal” disabled in the PDM. If the user is
configured as personal (that is, not shared), the handset will become a personal phone upon
first log on.
Note: If the handset is a shared phone, it must first be logged out to be able to switch
off the handset. See the Mitel 5624 Wireless Handset Configuration Guide.
Note: This feature requires that the parameter "Phone mode" is configured. See the Mitel
5624 Wireless Handset Configuration Guide.