6.3 Job Control Screens
CF2002/CF3102 6-13
Controlling Jobs Chapter 6
To unlock a job (to print a locked document)
Select the job that you wish to unlock. To unlock multiple jobs, continue select-
ing all jobs that you wish to unlock.
Using the keypad, enter the four-digit unlocking code.
For the unlocking code, consult the person who programmed the job using
the “Locked Job” function.
The job is deleted from the list on the Unlock Job screen.
The status of the job changes from “Print Locked” to “Waiting Print”.
If the job currently being printed can be interrupted, printing is interrupted
and printing of the unlocked job begins. Printing of the interrupted job is au-
tomatically restarted once printing for the job that printing was interrupted for
is finished.
If the job currently being printed cannot be interrupted, printing is interrupted
after printing for the current job is finished.
Touch [Job Log], and check the status of the job.
For details on setting the “Locked Job” function, refer to the manual of the printer