13135 West Lisbon Road • Brookfi eld, Wisconsin, U.S.A. 53005
58-14-6179d2 12/10 Printed in China
MILWAUKEE prides itself in producing a premium
quality product that is NOTHING BUT HEAVY DUTY
Your satisfaction with our products is very impor-
tant to us!
If you encounter any problems with the operation
of this tool, or you would like to locate the factory
Service/Sales Support Branch or authorized serv-
ice station nearest you, please call...
Monday – Friday 7:00 – 4:30 CST
fax: 866.285.9049
Milwaukee Electric Tool (Canada) Ltd
140 Fernstaff Court, Unit 4 18129 111 Avenue NW
Vaughan, ON L4K 3L8 Edmonton, AB T5S 2P2
Additionally, we have a nationwide network of
authorized Distributors ready to assist you with your
tool and accessory needs. Call 1.800.268.4015 to
fi nd the names and addresses of the closest re-
tailers or consult “Where to buy” on our Web site
MILWAUKEE est fi er de proposer un produit de
première qualité NOTHING BUT HEAVY DUTY
. Votre
satisfaction est ce qui compte le plus!
En cas de problèmes d’utilisation de l’outil ou pour
localiser le centre de service/ventes ou le centre
d’entretien le plus proche, appelez le...
Lundi – Vendredi 7:00 – 4:30 CST
fax: 866.285.9049
Milwaukee Electric Tool (Canada) Ltd
140 Fernstaff Court, Unit 4 18129 111 Avenue NW
Vaughan, ON L4K 3L8 Edmonton, AB T5S 2P2
Notre réseau national de distributeurs agréés se
tient à votre disposition pour fournir l’aide technique,
l’outillage et les accessoires nécessaires. Compo-
sez le 1.800.268.4015 pour obtenir les noms et
adresses des revendeurs les plus proches ou bien
consultez la section «Où acheter» sur notre site
web à l’adresse www.milwaukeetool.com
Rafael Buelna No. 1, Col Tezozomoc,
Delegación Azcapotzalco, México, D.F.
Telefono sin costo 01 800 832 1949
e-mail: servicio@ttigroupna.com
Adicionalmente, tenemos una red nacional de
distribuidores autorizados listos para ayudarle con
su herramienta y sus accesorios. Por favor, llame
al 01 800 832 1949 para obtener los nombres y
direcciones de los más cercanos a usted, o con-
sulte la sección ‘Where to buy’ (Dónde comprar)
de nuestro sitio web en
MILWAUKEE prides itself in producing a premium
quality product that is NOTHING BUT HEAVY DUTY
Your satisfaction with our products is very impor-
tant to us! If you encounter any problems with the
operation of this tool, or you would like to locate the
factory Service/Sales Support Branch or authorized
service station nearest you, please call...
Additionally, we have a nationwide network of
authorized Distributors ready to assist you with
your tool and accessory needs. Check your “Yellow
Pages” phone directory under “Tools-Electric” for
the names & addresses of those nearest you or see
the 'Where To Buy' section of our website.
7:00 AM - 6:30 PM
Central Time
or visit our website at
For service information, use the 'Service Center
Search' icon found in the 'Parts & Service' section.
Contact our Corporate After Sales Service
Technical Support about ...
•Technical Questions
•Service/Repair Questions
call: 1-800-SAWDUST
fax: 1.800.638.9582
email: metproductsupport@milwaukeetool.com
Register your tool online at
www.milwaukeetool.com and...
• receive important notifi cations regarding
your purchase
• ensure that your tool is protected under the
• become a HEAVY DUTY club member
MEXICO - Soporte de Servicio MILWAUKEE
Registre su herramienta en línea, en
www.ttigroupmexico.com y...
• reciba importantes avisos sobre su compra
• asegúrese de que su herramienta esté prote-
gida por la garantía
• conviértase en integrante de Heavy Duty