Please refer to the separate booklet for information on programmes available as
additional programme packages.
Programme chart
Cottons 9876* cold to 90°C Max. load 7.0 kg
Use for Cotton, linen or cotton mix fabrics, e.g. table linen, towelling,
underwear, T-shirts etc.
Note The 60°/40°C programmes differ from the Eco
programmes as follows:
Shorter programme duration
Longer temperature holding times
Higher energy consumption
Where particularly high levels of hygiene are required please
select a temperature of 60°C or higher.
Minimum iron
cold to 60°C Max. load 3.5 kg
Use for Synthetic, mixed fibre and easy care cotton. If fabrics have a high
proportion of man-made fibres it is advisable to programme the
machine for "Gentle action".
Note Reduce the spin speed for fabrics which crease easily.
Cottons Eco
Max. load 7.0 kg
Use for Normally soiled cotton garments
Note – These settings are the most efficient in terms of energy and
water consumption for washing cottons.
– With Eco
the actual wash temperature reached will be lower
than 60°C although the wash performance is the same as with
the standard Cottons 60°C programme.
Note for test institutes:
The test programme conforms to EN 60456 and the energy label with
Directive 1061/2010.