
Programme overview
Cottons Max. load: 7.0 kg*
Normal+, Normal**
Use for Single and multi-layered cotton fabrics such as towelling,
jerseywear, T-shirts, underwear, flannelette bed linen.
Note: The Cottons normal programme is the most energy-efficient for
drying cotton items with normal residual moisture levels.
Normal - Gentle tumble
Use for Items which are not suitable for drying with a great deal of
mechanical action. When this option is selected the drum will rotate
less frequently.
Note: The programme duration is longer than for the Normal drying
If in doubt, reduce the size of the load.
Hand iron, Machine iron
Use for Cotton or linen fabrics requiring further processing, e.g.: table linen,
bed linen, starched laundry.
Note: To prevent laundry from drying out it should be rolled up until you
are ready for ironing.
* Weight of dry laundry
** Note for Test Institutes:
Test programme in accordance with Regulation 392/2012/EU for energy labelling
measured in accordance with EN 61121.