Which filter bags and filters are the
right ones?
This vacuum cleaner uses Original
Miele filter bags Type G/N and Original
Miele filters, the "Original Miele" Logo
will appear on the packaging or directly
on the filter bag.
An "AirClean" exhaust filter and a dust
compartment filter are supplied with
every box of Miele filter bags.
If you would like to purchase additional
Miele filters separately, contact your
vacuum cleaner dealer or Miele, please
quote the model number of your Miele
vacuum cleaner to ensure correct parts
are ordered. These parts are also
available to order from the online Miele
The exhaust filter supplied with the
vacuum cleaner can be exchanged
with another type of Original Miele filter
(see "Exchanging exhaust filters").
When to change the filter bag (see
fig. 32)
Change the filter bag when the colored
marker in the airflow indicator
completely fills the display in red.
Filter bags are disposable and are
designed to be used only once.
Dispose of full filter bags. Do not
attempt to reuse.
Clogged pores reduce the suction
power of the vacuum cleaner.
Check the airflow indicator
Attach the standard floor brush
AllTeQ or AirTeQ (depending on mo
del) to the vacuum cleaner. All other
suction tools may affect the function
of the airflow indicator.
^ Switch the vacuum cleaner on and
select the highest power level.
^ Lift the floor brush slightly off the
floor. If the marker completely fills the
indicator window, the filter bag needs
to be changed.
How the airflow indicator works
The airflow indicator is designed to
show when the bag is full of common
household dust and measures the
amount of air flow through the filter bag.
Normal household dust is a mixture of
dust, hair, carpet fluff, threads, sand,
However, if fine dust, such as drill dust,
sand, plaster or flour is vacuumed, the
pores of the filter bag may become
blocked. The marker will indicate that
the bag is "full" even when it is not. The
filter bag should be changed as the
suction power is greatly reduced.