Disposal of packing material
The transport and protective packing
material has been selected from materi
als which are environmentally friendly
for disposal and can normally be recy
Ensure that any plastic wrappings,
bags etc. are disposed safely and kept
out of the reach of babies and young
children. Danger of suffocation!
Rather than just throwing these materi
als away, please ensure they are of
fered for recycling.
Disposal of your old appliance
Old appliances may contain materials
which can be reclaimed or recycled.
Please contact your dealer, your local
waste collection centre or scrap mer
chant about potential recycling
Before disposing of an old appliance
first make it unusable. Disconnect it
from the mains, cut the cable off the ap
pliance as close to the cleaner as pos
sible and cut the plug off. The plug cut
from the cable should be rendered use
less and then disposed of and on no
account be inserted into any socket
elsewhere in the house (electric shock
Make appropriate arrangements for its
safe disposal and make sure that the
appliance presents no danger to chil-
dren while being stored for disposal.
Disposing of the dustbag and
These are made from environmentally
friendly materials and can be disposed
of with the normal household waste.
The dustbag should only be disposed
of in this way if it has been used exclu
sively for general household dust.
Caring for the environment