The following grill settings are suitable
for browning food:
Grill n
Microwave + Grill h n,
Grill n is suitable for flat items which
require a crisp finish or browning.
With Microwave + Grill h n, the
microwave power output is limited to
450 W.
Preparing food for grilling
Meat should be rinsed under fresh
running water and then patted dry.
Do not season with salt before grilling,
as the salt will draw the meat juices out.
Lean meat can be brushed with a little
oil if necessary. Do not use other types
of fat as they can get too dark, burn
and cause smoke. A little butter can be
added to chicken if desired.
Clean flat fish and slices of fish in the
normal way. To enhance the taste add a
little salt or squeeze a little lemon juice
over the fish.
The grill temperature cannot be altered,
the grill is either on or off.
Pre-heat the grill for approx. 5 minutes
with the oven door shut before grilling.
Do not engage microwave power
during the pre-heating phase.
Brush the rack with oil and place the
prepared food on the rack.
It is best to grill food of a similar
thickness at the same time so that the
grilling time for each item does not vary
too greatly.
Place the rack on the glass tray and
slide into the second or third shelf level
from the bottom, depending on the type
of food you are grilling.
The rack can be used either way up to
achieve the best distance from the grill
Most items should be turned half way
through cooking.
Test to see if cooked
One way of finding out how far through
a piece of meat has been cooked is to
press down on it with a spoon:
– If there is very little resistance to the
pressure of the spoon, it is still red on
the inside ("rare").
– If there is some resistance the inside
will be pink ("medium").
– If there is great resistance, it is
throughly cooked through ("well