Attaching the front panel to the
The front panel has been correctly in-
stalled when:
– the lower clips of the mounting
bracket are seated in their respec-
tive slots on the dishwasher outer
door, and
– The U shaped slots in the upper cor-
ners of the mounting bracket are
seated on their locator pins.
To attach the front panel:
Pull the dishwasher out of its open-
ing so that the upper edge of the
dishwasher door clears the counter-
top and the recessed screws on the
edge of the door are accessible.
Place the lower mounting clips into
the slots of the dishwasher door as
shown in the illustration.
Raise the panel slightly and seat the
U shaped slots of the upper bracket
onto their respective locator pins.
Lower the panel so that it is sup-
ported by the dishwasher door.
Dishwasher installation