
Recommended temperature
The following recommended temperatures are set at the factory:
Function Recommended
temperature in
°C / °F
Temperature range
which can be set
in °C / °F
COOK UNIVERSAL 100 / 210 40 - 100 / 105 - 210
COOK FISH 85* / 185* 75 - 100 / 165 - 210
COOK VEGETABLES 100 / 210 90 - 100 / 195 - 210
COOK MEAT 100 / 210 90 - 100 / 195 - 210
REHEAT 100 / 210 80 - 100 / 175 - 210
DEFROST 60 / 140 50 - 60 / 120 - 140
* Increase the recommended temperature to 100 °C or 210 °F when cooking fish
with liquid in a solid container.
You can change the recommended temperatures within the ranges given just
once or permanently.
Please refer to the instructions given in "Changing settings - Temperatures" if you
want to change the settings permanently to suit your particular preferences.