
Your local water authority will be able to tell you the hardness
of water in your area. Alternatively, you can measure the
hardness yourself using the enclosed test strip:
^ Dip the strip in your drinking water for approximately a
second, then shake off any excess water. The result will be
evident after about a minute.
If the water is harder than 40 °d / 7.0 mmol/l, limescale will
build up more rapidy than with soft water. Descaling will
need to be carried out more regularly than stated to
prevent limescale damage to the machine.
The machine has four programmable levels:
(local water)
°d mmol/l Water through-flow
in litres
Steam through-flow
in minutes
Soft 1 1 (soft) 0 - 3 0 - 0.6 approx. 100 l
approx. 120 min
Medium 2 1 (soft) 4 - 7 0.7 - 1.3 approx. 80 l
approx. 90 min
Hard 3 2 (medium) 7 - 14 1.3 - 2.5 approx. 60 l
approx. 60 min
Very hard 4 3 (hard)
4 (very hard)
14 - 21
above 21
2.5 - 3.8
above 3.8
approx. 40 l
approx. 30 min
Settings: Customising your machine