Frozen products
When baking frozen products such as French fries,
croquettes, cakes, pizza and baguettes, use the lowest
temperature quoted by the manufacturer on the packaging.
Bake frozen cakes, pizzas or baguettes on the rack covered
with parchment paper. With frozen products, the baking or
universal tray may warp so that they cannot be removed
when hot.
Frozen products such as French fries, croquettes or similar
items can be baked on the universal tray. For gentle baking
of these products, place parchment paper under them on the
tray. Turn the food several times during baking.
Shelf level
Use only one shelf level when preparing moist cakes.
Bake on a maximum of two shelf levels at the same time.
If you are baking on two shelf levels at the same time, use
levels 1 and 2.
Notes about the baking table
Select the lower temperature shown on the table.
Do not set the temperature higher than indicated. Higher
temperatures may shorten the baking times but will frequently
result in uneven browning and may even prevent the food
from being baked through.
After the end of the shortest baking time, check whether the
baked goods are done. Insert a toothpick into the dough, if
no moist pieces of the baked good adhere to the toothpick,
the baked goods are done.