V pk (drop) = I pk x R (cable total)
The Burst Current can also be used to calculate the AC
looping capability of MINA.
■ Ultimate Short-Term Peak Current — A rating for fast-
reacting magnetic breakers.
■ Inrush Current — The spike of initial current encoun-
tered when powering on.
You can use the following table as a guide for selecting
cable gauges and circuit breaker ratings for the system’s
operating voltage.
The minimum electrical service amperage required by a
MINA loudspeaker system is the sum of the Maximum Long-
Term Continuous Current for each loudspeaker. An addi-
tional 30 percent above the minimum amperage is recom-
mended to prevent peak voltage drops at the service entry.
NOTE: For best performance, the AC cable
voltage drop should not exceed 10 V, or
10 percent at 115 V and 5 percent at 230 V. Make
sure that even with AC voltage drops that the AC
voltage always remains within the operating win-
Pay close attention to these important electrical and safety
■ MINA requires a grounded outlet. Always use a
grounded outlet and plug.
■ Do not use a ground-lifting adapter or cut the AC cable
ground pin.
■ Do not exceed the current capability of the 20-amp AC
Input connector for the loudspeaker. When looping loud-
speakers, consider the total current draw for all loud-
speakers on the circuit, including the first loudspeaker.
■ Make sure the AC power cable for the loudspeaker has
the appropriate power plug (on the other end) for the
area in which you will operate the loudspeaker. In addi-
tion, the AC power cable must be rated for the total cur-
rent draw of all loudspeakers looped from the power
■ Do not operate the unit if its power cable is frayed or bro-
■ Keep all liquids away from MINA to avoid hazards from
electrical shock.
MINA Current Draw
Current Draw 115 V AC 230 V AC 100 V AC
Idle Current 0.256 A rms 0.249 A rms 0.284 A rms
Maximum Long-Term
Continuous Current
1.26 A rms 0.66 A rms 1.50 A rms
Burst Current 3.24 A rms 1.74 A rms 4.02 A rms
Ultimate Short-Term
Peak Current
10.4 A peak 5.2 A peak 11.1 A peak
Inrush Current 16.8 A peak 20.0 A peak 15.0 A peak
Earth ground
Chassis ground