
Control systems
Voice Control* command list
ț call <voice name> home
ț work
ț office
ț business
ț company
ț car
ț car phone
ț land line
ț land line phone
ț land line telephone
ț cell phone
ț mobile phone
ț cellular phone
ț work car (phone)
ț office car (phone)
ț business car (phone)
ț company car (phone)
ț car (phone) work
ț car (phone) office
ț car (phone) business
ț car (phone) company
ț work land line
ț office phone
ț land line phone business
ț land line telephone company
ț work cell phone
ț office mobile phone
ț business cellular phone
ț cell phone company
ț home
ț home car
ț home car phone
ț car home
ț car phone home
ț home land line
ț home land line phone
ț land line home
ț land line phone home
ț home cell phone
ț home mobile
ț cell home
ț cell phone home
ț mobile home
ț mobile phone home
ț cellular home
ț cellular phone home
ț call <voice name> work car
ț call <voice name> work land line
ț call <voice name> work cell phone
ț call <voice name> home car
ț call <voice name> land line phone
ț call <voice name> cell phone home
ț navigate to <voice name>
ț drive to <voice name>
ț navigate to <voice name> work
ț navigate to <voice name> home
ț dial name