
IBM BladeCenter Deployment Guide
Version 3.0, 3/10/2006 http://w3-03.ibm.com/support/techdocs/atsmastr.nsf/WebIndex/WP100564
Hat Linux and the X Window System for
1. P
n to track the remote
768, complete the
text mode, type: init 3
, type: rmmod mousedev
following line to the
2. C
o enable the remote mouse to track properly in Red Hat Linux, set the mouse acceleration and
ng steps to preserve these changes between sessions. NOTE: A remote
ssion properties->Startup programs.
to close the window.
“Save current setup” in the Log Out window.
shold values to 1.
3. S
nchronized correctly, that is, if there is a constant offset
, move the mouse toward the bottom of the monitor
4. C
mouse is not detected when the blade
t happen if the blade server is not associated with the keyboard,
se cursor or if single clicks from the remote mouse do not
eneric or two-button USB mouse. Click OK.
procedures in the following sections to configure Red
urate mouse tracking. Type the commands through the remote console or at the keyboard that is
ched to the BladeCenter unit.
roviding resolution information to the mouse handler
The mouse handler (mousedev) must have the correct resolution informatio
mouse cursor correctly. If the host (blade server) resolution is not 1024 x
following steps to provide the correct resolution data to the mouse handler:
If you need to switch to
b. To unload the mouse device driver module
c. To notify the mouse device driver of the video resolution, add the
/etc/modules.conf file:
options mousedev xres=x yres=y
(where x and y are the video res
d. To reload the mouse device driver module, type: insmod mousedev
e. To return to GUI mode, if necessary, type: init 5
hanging the pointer speed settings
threshold values to 1. To change mouse acceleration and threshold values for the current
session, open a terminal window and type: xset m 1 1
Complete the followi
mouse is not supported in the text console.
* If you are using GNOME:
1. Press Ctrl+Esc.
2. From the menu, click Programs->Settings->Session->Se
3. Click the Startup programs tab.
4. Click Add.
5. In the command line, type: xset m 1 1 and click OK.
6. Click Apply and OK
7. Log out from the session and select
The next time you log in, the remote and local mouse are synchron
* If you are using KDE:
1. Using the keyboard, press Alt+F1.
2. From the menu, click Preferences --> Peripherals --> Mouse.
3. Click the Advanced tab and change the Pointer Acceleration and Thre
4. Click Apply and OK to close the window.
5. Log out from the session and select “Save current setup” in the Log Out window.
The next time you log in, the remote and local mouse are synchronized.
ynchronizing the remote and local mouse for remote control sessions
If the remote and local mouse are not sy
between them on the remote client window
screen in the remote client window. Then, move the local mouse back in the window. This will
correct the alignment between the mice.
orrecting mouse cursor click related issues
NOTE: The blade server might not start in GUI mode if the
server is turned on. This migh
monitor, and mouse. If there is no mou
work, complete the following step
s to correct the problem:
1. Open a terminal window.
2. Type setup.
3. Click Mouse Configuration.
4. Scroll down and select the g
5. Click Yes to update X Configuration.
The BladeCenter Deployment Guide is intended as a personal productivity tool. It is not intended to be comprehensive and is provided for
guidance only, on an 'as is basis' without warranty of any kind. Please be aware that its contents have not been certified by IBM.