EC Declaration of Conformity (Only applies to Europe)
We, Husqvarna AB, SE-561 82 Huskvarna, Sweden, tel: +46--36--146500, as authorised
representative in the Community, declare that the brushcutter model McCulloch Cabrio
433B with serial numbers dating from 2009 and onwards (the year is clearly stated on the
ratingplate, followedby theserial n u mber),comply wi ththerequirements oftheCO UNCIL’S
of 17 May 2006 “relating to machinery” 2006/42/EC;
of15December2004“relatingtoelectromagnetic compatibility”2004/108/EC,andapplicable
supplements; and
of8 May 2000“relatingto thenoise emissions inthe environment” inaccordance withAnnex
Vof2000/14/EC. For information relating to noise emissions, see Te chnical data section.
The following standards have been applied:EN12100--1:2003, EN 12100--2:2003, EN ISO
11806:1997 and CISPR 12:2005.
SMP, The Swedish Machinery Testing Institute, Fyrisborgsgatan 3 S--754 50 Uppsala,
Sweden, has performed voluntary type examination on behalf of Husqvarna AB. The
certificate(s) are numbered: SEC/09/2034.
09 -- 11 --0 1
Ronnie E. Goldman, Director of Engineering
Authorized representative for Husqvarna AB and
responsible for technical documentation