+FTH=n Transmit HDLC data
+FTM=n Transmit data
+FTS=n Stop transmission and pause
3.7 ISO 101 Voice Mode Commands
+FCLASS=8 Voice modem select
+FLO Flow control select
+VBT=n Buffwe threshold setting
+VCID=n Caller ID selection
+VCSD=n Voice command mode silence detection
+VDR=n Distinctive ring selection
+VEM=n Event reporting and masking
+VGM=n Speakerphone microphone gain
+VGR=n Receive gain selection
+VGS=n Speakerphone speaker gain
+VGT=n Volume selection
+VIP Initialize parameter
+VIT=n DTE/DCE inactivity timer
+VLS=n Relay/speaker control
+VNH=n Automatic hang-up control
+VRA=n Ringback-goes-away timer
+VRN=n Ringback-never-appeared timer
+VRX Record mode
+VSD=n Silence detection (quiet and silence)
+VSM=n Compression method selection
+VSP=n Speakerphone on/off control
+VTD=n Beep tone duration timer
+VTS=n DTMF and tone generation
+VTX Play mode
Section Four - S Registers
Your modem has 24 registers, designated S0
through S33. Table 4-1 shows the registers, their func-
tions, and their default values. Some registers can have
their values changed by commands. If you use a com-
mand to change a register value, the command remains
in effect until you turn off or reset your modem. Your
modem then reverts to the operating characteristics
specified in its non-volatile memory. Refer to Section 3 for
information on how to use the AT commands to manipulate
the S registers.