32 Placement
Subwoofer Position
Generally, subwoofers have the most output when placed in
the corner of a room. However, this can also exaggerate the
subwoofers output making blending with the main speakers
difficult. If you choose to place the subwoofer in a corner near
the front of the room it should be placed in such a way that
there are 2 inches minimum between the woofers and the wall.
Preferably, the subwoofer should be diagonal to the corner so
each woofer is equidistant from the adjacent wall. This will
avoid blocking the output of either woofer.
Before deciding on a permanent corner placement, experiment
with other positions. Locations away from corners often prove
more effective in providing ideal low-frequency performance and
blend with the main speakers. If the subwoofer sounds like it has
too much upper bass energy try pulling it away from the wall
and toward the listening position (moving it out of the corner).
This will lessen the wall and corner reinforcement of these prob-
lematic frequencies and likely smooth out the response. Repeat
the setup procedure with the subwoofer controls after moving to
a new position.
Please note, some users may find that using PBK to take
subwoofer response measurements will help optimize subwoofer
placement. For more information please refer to the PBK section
of this manual.
Figure 16. A typical 5.1-channel home theater setup. Note the corner
placement of the subwoofer at the front of the listening room—this is
the location where many people initially place a sub. However, with
experimentation locations away from corners often prove more effective in
providing an ideal low-frequency performance and blend with the main
Figure 17a & 17b. Experiment with corner placements. Figure 18a & 18b. Experiment with non-corner placements.