A - INPUT SELECT - 5 Position switch for input selection. Each input is electrically
identical. The RECORD OUT directly follows this switch. There is no buffer amp to isolate
the effects of loading and cable capacitance so we recommend disconnecting any
interconnect cables from the RECORD OUT if you are not recording.
B - VOLUME - 24 Position switch with precise 2 dB steps of attenuation throughout most of
the range. The most counter-clockwise position is mute, then -70, -60, -50, -46, -44, -42, -40
etc in 2 dB steps until -10, then the next position is -6, then 0. This gives a wide range with
good resolution in the middle. The preamp has 18 dB of total voltage gain thus unity gain is
the 19th step. Left / right matching is typically within 1/10 dB at any setting.
C & D - HEADPHONE JACKS - Standard 1/4" stereo headphone jacks. The
HEADPHONE IMPEDANCE SWITCH should be set for the range that best matches your
headphones. The OUTPUT SELECT SWITCH (E) should be set to HEADPHONES. The
maximum power output primarily depends on the actual headphone impedance. Typically the
preamp can deliver 1 watt (10 volts RMS ) into 100 ohms and 1 watt (25 volts RMS) into 600
ohms. These outputs are transformer coupled so there is the highest possible isolation from
shock hazards, cable shorts, and other potential problems.
E - BACKLIT PANEL - This is the power indicator.
F - POWER SWITCH - UP is ON, Down is OFF. Because tubes require some time to warm
up there is about 10 seconds of silence followed by "not good sound" before "wow". The best
way to power up the system is sources ( CD, turntable, etc) first, then this preamp, then after
a 30 second wait - turn on the amplifiers. Wait a minute or so - then play tunes. This allows
everything to warm up. Some people hear a difference after an hour or two but it depends on
the equipment. Powering down is the opposite order - power amps first. This procedure is a
good habit to follow because it stresses the speakers and ears the least.
The power supply in this preamp is tube based which has the inherant advantage of
slow start (as the tubes warm up). This gives the least stress to the internal components.