If you think your mixer has a problem, please check
out the following troubleshooting tips and do your best
website (www.mackie.com) where you will find lots of
useful information such as FAQs, documentation and
any updated PC drivers etc. You may find the answer to
the problem without having to send your mixer away.
Bad Channel
• IsthechannelEQsetupnicely?
• Isthechannelgainsetcorrectly?
• Isthechannellevelupenough?
• IsthechannelOLledon?
• Isthechannelpansetinthemiddle?
• Trythesamesourcesignalinanotherchannel,
set up exactly like the suspect channel.
• Isphantompowerrequiredforyour
Bad Output
• Isthemainlevelturnedup?
• AretheEQssettoreasonablelevels?
• Areanyauxreturnsmaxedout?
• Unpluganythingfromtheotherline-level
outputs, such as monitor out, just in case one of
your external pieces has a problem.
• Makesurethatyouarenotoverdrivingyour
amplifiers. Check the loudspeaker average load
impedance is not less than the minimum your
amplifier can handle. Check the speaker wiring.
• Turnthechannelgainsdown,onebyone.Ifthe
sound disappears, it’s either that channel or
whatever is plugged into it, so unplug whatever
that is. If the noise disappears, it’s from your
• ThepowerLEDshouldcomeonifthemixeris
connected to a suitable live AC mains outlet,
and the power switch is on. Check to make sure
that the power cord is securely plugged in.
For warranty service, refer to the warranty
information on page 35.
available at a factory-authorized service center. To
locate your nearest service center, visit
www.mackie.com, click “Support” and select “Locate
outside the United States can be obtained through local
dealers or distributors.
If you do not have access to our website, you can call
our Tech Support department at 1-800-898-3211,
Time, to explain the problem. Tech Support will tell you
where the nearest factory-authorized service center is
located in your area.
Appendix A: Service Information