HD24/96 Technical Reference 58
Region Lock status is a toggle. Unlock a locked Region by clicking on the LOCK button
in the Region Edit or uncheck Lock from the right-click pop-up menu.
NOTE: Region Lock does not prohibit recording over a Region. If you want to protect a
Region from recording, move or copy it into another track or virtual take.
System Setup
The Setup menu, accessible from the GUI Windows menu or from the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+1
controls several of the HDR24/96 system level options. Options which have front panel
equivalents are accessed from the SYSTEM, DIG-I/O, and SYNC menu buttons. Many of these
options have been addressed in detail in other sections. Those are summarized here. The GUI
Setup menu has five submenus. See Appendix A for details on the organization of the menus
and description of the functions.
Mouse Speed
This adjusts the tracking speed of the mouse to your personal preference. Click on the
arrow and select the desired speed from the pulldown menu. There is no front panel
equivalent since the mouse is a GUI-only tool
Waveform colors
This sets the GUI color scheme. Pull down the menu and select a color scheme to suit
your mood. There is no front panel equivalent setting.
Footswitch and Footswitch Remote
This selects which of several functions the footswitch performs. Select the function from
the pulldown menu, or access the FOOTSWITCH HDR or FOOTSWITCH Remote
selections with the front panel SYSTEM button. The choices are:
Cycle Cue (jump to the next cue in the project)
New Cue (set a new cue)
Date and Time
This sets the system clock/calendar. Set the date and time by clicking on the up and
down arrows next to each field in the date/time display. The clock can only be set from
the GUI. There is no front panel equivalent.
Window Frames
This is another color preference to set the color of the top (active window) bar in
windows and dialog boxes. There is no front panel equivalent.
FTP Server
This is where the addressing parameter for FTP are set. Double click in the address field to
enter or edit an address. FTP addresses are discussed in Appendix C. FTP addressing can
be set from the front panel by selecting Setup FTP from the menu accessed by the