ONYX FireWire Card
ONYX FireWire Card
Owner’s Manual
Owner’s Manual
If using two Onyx mixers with FireWire cards:
It is necessary to turn on one mixer rst, followed by the second mixer. They
appear sequentially as 36 inputs x 4 outputs. If you have one Onyx mixer that will
spend most of its time in the studio, always turn that one on rst. Then it will al-
ways occupy the rst 18 inputs, and the second mixer can occupy the last 18 inputs
only if you need it.
Important: When you are recording a session over a period of time,
it is important that you always power up the Onyx mixers in the
same order, so you retain the correct order of your inputs in the DAW
For the Mac:
Although you do not need any special drivers from Mackie to use the FireWire
card on a Mac, you must have certain specic latest versions of OS X and FireWire
components. Go to www.mackie.com/OnyxFW_Update for details of what system
version and FireWire components are necessary. Once you have the latest system
software, simply connect the Onyx FireWire card to the FireWire connection on the
Mac and you’re ready to go with any Mac OS X Core Audio host application (i.e.,
Tracktion, Logic, Cubase, Nuendo, Live, Digital Performer, etc.)
Note: Due to the way the current OS X system drivers are designed, if you have
two Onyx mixers with FireWire cards installed, they cannot both be used within the
same application at the same time.
To verify that the Onyx FireWire card is recognized by the system:
1. Go to the Applications folder and open the Utilities folder.
2. Double-click “Audio MIDI Setup.”