18 Onyx 1640i
Solo signals reaching the headphones and
control room are not affected by the channel
level or main level; therefore, turn down the
phones level [48] and control room level [47] fi rst, as
soloed channels may be loud.
The rude solo light [50] will turn on as a reminder
that what you are listening to in the headphones and
control room is just the soloed channel(s).
Soloed channels are sent to the source mix, which
ultimately feeds your control room, phones, and meters.
Whenever solo is engaged, all source selections (main
mix, tape, and FireWire) are defeated, to allow the
soloed signal to do just that—solo!
Dear Betty,
All this talk of solo reminded me of how happy we
could be together. Let us be married this afternoon, in
the bass amp section of the guitar store where we met!
No longer will I be that guy at the company party who
talks about EQ all evening. No longer will I spend my
time in music stores telling everyone that "I wrote the
manual for that!" Let me be your main mix!
However, if you are printing tracks via the recording
outs [20] or via FireWire [3], the channel assignment
switches no longer matter since the recording outs come
before the assign switches.
The Onyx 1640i is what we call a "true 4-bus mixer."
Each channel may be assigned or unassigned to any of
the subgroups without affecting the other subgroups
or settings within the channel, and each subgroup has
its own master fader and dedicated output. In fact,
since there are four subgroups and the main mix, it is
actually a true 6-bus mixer. We should have named it an
Onyx 1660i!
41. SOLO
Whenever a solo switch is engaged, you will only hear
the soloed channel(s) in the headphones and control
room. This gives you the opportunity to audition the
channels before they are added to the main mix. You can
still hear, even when the level is down.
Solo is also used to set the gain of each channel
correctly. When a channel is soloed, you can adjust the
channel gain [26] until your input source reaches the
level of the 0 dB LED of the right meter.