Terminals and Adjuncts Reference
Issue 11
December 1999
Data Modules
21-65The Modular Processor Data Module (MPDM)
General Features of the MPDM
Both the MPDM stand-alone and multiple mount versions are contained in a
70A Data Mounting aluminum housing that is equipped with plastic front and rear
The MPDM, in general, offers the following data features:
■ Selecteddataratesupto64kbps
■ Synchronous or asynchronous operation
■ Synchronous operation at 56 kbps and 64 kbps
■ Full- or half-duplex operation up to 56 kbps
■ Full-duplex operation at 64 kbps
■ Automatic answer option
■ ACCUNET digital service interface support
■ Local Area Network (LAN) bridging: Token Rings, Ethernet, AppleLan
Functional elements
■ The Main module comes in one version that is common to all of the MPDM
packages and provides the basic digital interface and protocol conversion
■ The Interface module comes in three versions providing a choice of V.35,
RS-232-C, or RS-449 interfaces (balanced--RS-422A electrical interface).
■ The ACU module comes in one optional version. The ACU module
interface provides the capability to emulate an ACU and supports the
RS-366 interface. This module is required for the data terminal dialing
function of the Data Call Setup feature.
The MPDM can be configured either in a stand-alone or in a multiple mount
version. A maximum of eight MPDMs can be installed in the 71A Data Mounting.
The stand-alone version can be mounted on a surface or desk top near the
associated data equipment. The multiple-mounting carrier unit is normally
installed in an auxiliary cabinet.
Both mounting arrangements require power from a 115-volt AC receptacle to
power the MPDM(s).