Chapter 2 Installation
8 Cajun P118 Installation Guide
Installing the Cajun P118
The procedure for getting the Cajun P118 up and running depends on whether the
switch is to operate standalone or as part of a stack.
First, attach the adhesive rubber legs to the base of the Cajun P110 switch. If the
switch is to be rack mounted, do not attach the legs.
Standalone Operation - Plug ‘n’ Play
Getting the Cajun P110 switch working is quick and easy:
Connect the power cable to the switch.
Connect the cables to the front panel ports.
Note: If you are operating the Cajun P118 in stand-alone mode, you must insert a
Cajun P110 NMA agent. Please refer to the Cajun P110 NMA Installation Guide for
The switch is now fully operational. By default, all 10/100 ports will operate in half
duplex mode.
Stacking Operation
If you are using the Cajun P118 as part of a stack, you only need one Cajun P110 NMA
for the entire stack.
If there is a Cajun P110 NMA already in the stack then ensure it is in the topmost
Cajun P110 switch and remove the additional NMA.
If there is no NMA in the stack then place the Cajun P118 at the top of the stack.
To check what software version you have, see the agent configuration window in
MultiMan (on UNIX) or Cajun P110 Manager (on Windows), or see the setup main
menu of the Cajun P110 NMA.
Before adding a switch to the Cajun P110 stack, turn off the main power to the
stack, by individually switching off each hub
Place the Cajun P110 NMA in the top switch of the stack
If the Cajun P110 NMA contains agent software version 8.6 or higher, go to
step 5.
If the Cajun P110 NMA does not contain the agent software version 8.6, you
should perform a software download of the latest version. The software is on the
diskette that came with the Cajun P118. Download is performed via TFTP using a
Terminal console or via the timed Download application from your management
station– details can be found in the Cajun P110 NMA installation Guide.
Place the Cajun P118 switch in the stack. The Cajun P110 NMA must be in the
top switch of the stack.
To ensure proper ventilation, ensure that all empty Cajun P110 NMA slots in the
stack are closed.