Fault tolerant architecture maintains services
through almost any failure
• Redundancy protection for key modules: N:1 protection
for the CBX 3500™ Universal Input/Output Module
and 1+1 Automatic Protection Switching
(APS)/Multiplex Section Protection (MSP) on
SONET/SDH interfaces help support non-service
impacting upgrades and protect against card failures.
• Routing and signaling protection: Distributed routing
and signaling control help avoid single points of
failure. If a network or service disruption occurs,
priority-based routing of hundreds of thousands of
circuits per second quickly restores services.
• Reliable architecture: Fully redundant hardware,
control, and power components protect against
hardware failures and reduce network downtime. If a
failure occurs, automatic failover, Stratum 3 holdover
timing, and hot-swappable modules can restore
services quickly without losing data.
MXOS™ software provides unparalleled reliability,
service flexibility, and investment protection
An integral part of the high-performance CBX portfolio
architecture, MXOS™ software leverages Lucent’s
expertise in voice networking and the Virtual Network
) routing platform to deliver voice-
level reliability. The carrier-class MXOS™ operating
system features network analysis tools and non-service
impacting upgrades to quickly identify problems and
help prevent service disruptions. At the same time,
MXOS™ software provides the standards-based Private
Network-to-Network Interface (PNNI) support needed
to preserve the VNN
operating environment while
ensuring interoperability with other carrier networks.
Together, the hardware and software enable the CBX
portfolio to deliver unmatched, field-proven carrier-
class reliability to ensure SLAs and improve customer
Simplify network management and
reduce operating costs with Navis
network management software
The CBX Multiservice Edge Switch portfolio utilizes
the same integrated Navis
platform that already
maintains Lucent multiservice networks. Navis
software uses industry-standard protocols to
seamlessly manage services across all Lucent
multiservice switching products. With exceptional
service provisioning, fault management, and
performance monitoring for all Lucent networking
nodes, Navis
helps service providers deliver new
services quickly and profitably. With the cohesive
network management platform, service
providers can capitalize on CBX portfolio benefits,
while eliminating retraining expenses and lowering
overall operating costs.
• Multiservice, multivendor management from a single
• Sophisticated applications with add-on functions such
as SLA and real-time statistics monitoring
• Extensive configuration, performance management
and security support
• Point, click, done provisioning
The comprehensive Navis
platform includes end-to-
end service management, policy administration, and
Operations Support System (OSS) integration for
equipment spanning multiple network layers. Service
providers can use Navis
to provision, operate, manage,
and deliver services over the entire suite of multivendor
Layer 1, Layer 2, and Layer 3 network equipment.