Communications System Release 6.1
Employee Communication Survey
Name _______________________________________ Room _______________ Extension ______________
Name of work group (Sales, Customer Service, etc.) _____________________________________________
Please answer each question below.
1. Do you regularly use any of the following outside lines? (Check any that apply)
❑ FX (foreign exchange)
❑ Tie
❑ None of the above or dont know
2. Are your phone calls covered when youre away from your desk?
❑ No
❑ Yes By whom? _________________________________________________________________
3. Do you want your phone number to appear on another persons phone for screening, or covering calls, or
for any other reasons?
❑ No
❑ Yes Please list these people:
4. Do you cover phone calls for co-workers when they are away from their desks?
❑ No
❑ Yes For whom? ________________________________________________________________
Which of those people should have a button on your phone used
exclusively for his or her calls?
When you are unable to cover calls, it is done by ____________________
Form ECS-1