DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2
Upgrades and Additions for R8r
Issue 1
April 2000
Adding or Removing Cabinet Hardware
6-90Add a Control Carrier (Add Duplication)
10. Connect the loose end of the TDM/LAN cable (between the “C” and “B”
carriers) to the pin-field block marked “TDM/LAN” on the right side of the
“B” carrier (See
Figure 6-31
Table 6-8
). The other end remained
connected to the “C” carrier when the old carrier was removed.
11. Connect the loose end of the TDM/LAN cable (between the “A” and “B”
carriers) to the pin-field block marked “TDM/LAN” on the left side of the
“B” carrier (See
Figure 6-31
Table 6-8
). The other end remained
connected to the “A” carrier when the old carrier was removed.
12. Install the alarm duplication cable (H600-198 G1) between carriers “B”
and “A.” Connect the cable to the “ICCA” pin-field block (to the right of the
pin-field block for slot “00”) of both carriers. See
Figure 6-32
. Connect the
“UAK” (upper) connector to carrier “B,” and connect the “LAK” (lower)
connector to carrier “A.”
While installing the ICC cable connectors, be careful not to bend any
backplane pins. Double check each connection to verify that the
pins are straight.
With a connector in each hand, flex the wires within the cable’s
sheath to form a usable C-shaped cable.
13. Install the ICCC cable (H600-182 G1) between carriers “B” and “A.”
Connect the cable to the “ICCC” pin-field block (behind slot “01”) of both
carriers. See
Figure 6-32
14. Install the duplication cable (WP91954 L1) between carriers “B” and “A.”
Connect the cable to the “ICCD” pin-field block (behind slot “02”) of both
carriers. See
Figure 6-32
The duplication cable’s connectors are keyed to ensure proper
positioning on the pin-field block.
Table 6-8. TDM/LAN Connections
“J” Number Carrier Type LHS Slot RHS Slot
J58890BB L1 Port 21 02
J58890BB L2 Port 21 01
J58890BB L3 Port 21 01
J58890AP Control 21 02