DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Console Operations
Issue 4
June 1999
2Conventions Used in This Document
■ Chapter 3, ‘‘Operating the Console’’ contains step-by-step instructions for
placing calls, transferring calls, placing callers on hold, placing conference
calls, and handling emergency calls.
■ Chapter 4, ‘‘Using the Features’’ describes of features associated with the
console and provides step-by-step instructions where applicable.
■ Chapter 5, ‘‘Centralized Attendant Service’’ describes CAS operations for
handling CAS calls, CAS night service, and CAS backup procedures.
■ Chapter 6, ‘‘Routine Maintenance’’ describes routine procedure for testing
the console, cleaning the console; also contains information for handling
the console after a commercial power failure.
■ Glossary and Abbreviations provides an alphabetical listing and brief
definitions of words and terms used with the attendant console and
communications systems.
■ Index provides an alphabetical listing of the information within this guide.
For ease of use, all key words within a title or term are listed.
Conventions Used in This Document
■ Console buttons are shown as: CANCEL
■ Console lamps are shown as: Attd
■ Alphanumeric displays appear as:
Security Measures
For detailed information on securing your systems from unauthorized use please
refer to BCS Products Security Handbook. This document addresses security
issues related to consoles including:
■ Procedures for console operators when they receive hangup or silence calls
■ Physical security
■ Class of service
■ Facility restriction levels and alternate facility restriction levels
■ Console operator-controlled phones
a= TOM BROWN 3062