
14 Logitech®
Select a Music Source
Once your Squeezebox Boom has successfully connected to your network,
you will see a menu asking you to select your music source.
Select SqueezeNetwork, the free, Internet-based service operated by
Logitech. When you connect to SqueezeNetwork, your Squeezebox
Boom displays a unique code that you can use to link your Boom to your
SqueezeNetwork account. Go to www.squeezenetwork.com, select Players,
and then enter the code in the Add A Player section of the page.
Play Some Music
You’re almost done! Playing an Internet radio station is a good way to check
that everything is working correctly.
Go to the Home Screen by pressing 1. home on the remote control.
Press 2. down on the remote control (or spin the navigation wheel to
the right) until Internet Radio appears, and then press right on the
remote (or press the wheel).
Select 3. Staff Picks.
Select 4. Best of Internet Radio.
Scroll to 5. Slim Showcase: Miles Davis and press play.
Adjust the volume.6.
If you would like to add this station to your presets, press and hold 7.
one of the preset buttons.
TIP: Although there are six Preset buttons for quickly fi nding six of your
favorite tracks, albums, or Internet radio stations, there is no limit to the
number of favorites you can save. Assigning an item to one of the Preset
buttons automatically adds it to your Favorites, as well. To add an item to
your favorites without assigning it to a Preset button, click the wheel or
press right on the remote, and then select Add to favorites.
Optional: Connect To SqueezeCenter
If you’d like to listen to your personal music collection stored on your
computer and you’ve successfully downloaded and installed SqueezeCenter,
take these steps to connect to SqueezeCenter for the fi rst time: