
Keyboard features
1. Multimedia navigation
2. Volume adjustment
3. Application zone
+ F1 Launches Internet browser
+ F2 Launches e-mail application
+ F3 Launches Windows Search*
+ F4 Launches media player
4. Windows view controls
+ F5 Flip
+ F6 Shows Desktop
+ F7 Minimizes window
+ F8 Restores minimized windows
5. Convenience zone
+ F9 My Computer
+ F10 Locks PC
+ F11 Puts PC in standby mode
+ F12 Keyboard battery status check
6. Battery status indicator
7. Keyboard power switch
8. Internet navigation
Internet back & forward navigation
Internet favorites
Launches calculator
* One Touch Search if the SetSpoint® software is installed.
† Application Switcher if the SetSpoint® software is installed.
Logitech Wireless Combo MK620
12  English