When you press an Activity button – Watch TV, Watch a Movie,
or Listen to Music -- the Activity starts and the commands for that
Activity appear on the screen. The commands that appear are related to
the Activity, and apply to all of the devices that you use for that Activity.
For example, if you’re watching a DVD, your remote screen displays
functions and commands for your DVD and other devices you use in the
Watch a DVD Activity.
When you press the More Activities button, the remote screen shows all Activities you have
defined, starting with the custom ones.
When you are viewing Activities on your remote’s screen, you select
devices by pressing the center button below Devices. The Harmony 700’s
screen displays a list of your devices. From this screen, you can select
individual devices and select commands for each device.
Favorite channels
You can set up your favorite channels on your Harmony 700
so that you have quick access to the channels you watch
the most. You can also add your own icons to customize
the screen for your favorite channels.
IR Status Indicator
The status indicator flashes whenever an IR command is being sent from your Harmony 700.
Page numbers
The current page of options and the total number of pages appears in the upper right corner of
the remote screen.
What’s on the Harmony 700’s screen