STEP 3: Attach wires from the sensor switch to
the transmitter screw terminals. Wire normally
closed switches in series, and normally open
switches in parallel (see Figures 5 & 6).
NOTE: A maximum of wire run of 50 feet with
a total of four switches may be used with one
STEP 4: Slide the transmitter onto the back
cover until locked into place to complete
installation (see Figure 7).
After installation, the transmitter and receiver
should be checked out as a system.
Activate the transmitter by triggering the sensor.
Verify that the LED lights when the sensor is
triggered (except for D-26A). Receiver
activation indicates that the transmitter is
operating properly, and that the transmitter’s
digital code is correctly matched to the code set
in the receiver.
If the transmitter fails to activate the receiver,
first check the coding switches to see that the
switch keys in the transmitter and the receiver
are correctly matched. Next, check the battery
and replace it if it’s weak.
If the code is set correctly, the battery is good,
and the LED lights but the receiver dosen’t
activate, check for hidden metal obstacles or
large metal appliances between the transmitter
and receiver that may be blocking the radio
signal. Re-location of the transmitter or receiver
may be necessary
CAUTION: The manufacturer strongly
recommends that you test security equipment
frequently. From the time of installation, it is
absolutely necessary to test the system at
least once a week. Although the 9-volt battery
should last about a year, it is good practice to
change the battery every six months.
This Linear product is warranted against defects in material and
workmanship for twelve (12) months. The Warranty Expiration Date is
labeled on the product. This warranty extends only to wholesale
customers who buy direct from Linear or through Linear’s normal
distribution channels. Linear does not warrant this product to
consumers. Consumers should inquire from their selling dealer as to the
nature of the dealer’s warranty, if any. There are no obligations or
liabilities on the part of Linear corporation for consequential damages
arising out of or in connection with use or performance of this product
or other indirect damages with respect to loss of property, revenue,
or profit, or cost of removal, installation, or reinstallation. All implied
warranties, including implied warranties for merchantability and implied
warranties for fitness, are valid only until Warranty Expiration Date as
labeled on the product. This Linear Corporation Warranty is in lieu of
all other warranties express or implied.
For warranty service on Linear equipment return product, at sender’s
expense to:
U.S.A. Canada
Linear Corporation Linear Canada Inc.
2350 Camino Vida Roble, Suite A 673 Consortium Court
Carlsbad, CA 92009 London, Ontario, Canada N6E 2S8
Attn: Repairs Department Attn: Repairs Department
Linear radio controls provide a reliable communications link and fill an
important need in portable wireless signalling. However, there are some
limitations which must be observed.
For U.S. installations only: The radios are required to comply with
FCC Rules and Regulations as Part 15 devices. As such, they have
limited transmitter power and therefore limited range.
Receivers may be blocked by radio signals that occur on or near
their operating frequencies, regardless of code settings.
A receiver cannot respond to more than one transmitted signal at a time.
Infrequently used radio links should be tested regularly to protect
against undetected interference or fault.
A general knowledge of radio and its vagaries should be gained
prior to acting as a wholesale distributor or dealer, and these facts
should be communicated to the ultimate users.
Copyright © 1992 Linear Corporation 200105 C
D-21A, D-21A/K,
D-24A, D-24A/K,
D-26A, D-26A/K
Digital Security
Code Setting and
Installation Instructions
Codesetting Instructions for D-21, 24, 26 (/K)
Linear P/N: 200105 C
Size: 11.50" W x 5.75" H
Ink: PMS 285 (Blue) & Black
Material: 70 Lb. White Coated
Codesetting Instructions for D-21, 24, 26 (/K)
Linear P/N: 200105 C
Size: 11.50" W x 5.75" H
Ink: PMS 285 (Blue) & Black
Material: 70 Lb. White Coated
Figure 5.
Figure 6.
Figure 7.
(Door and