
At power-up, the network card does not respond to network connect requests until the
control card has completed its system initialization. Once the power-up sequence is
complete, the network card obtains its network parameters from the control card, and is
ready to accept connections over the network. It is important to note that the network
card does not retain its network parameters (i.e., IP address, subnet mask, gateway
address) if moved from one card slot to another. The network parameters remain
assigned to a card slot, and will be assigned to whatever network card is in that slot.
7.3 Modem Card
The modem card allows users to remotely access the servers attached to the
ConsoleServer 3200 via a dial-up connection. The modem automatically detects the
connection speed, and allows connections of up to 38.4K baud. The control card must
complete its start-up initialization check before a user may access the ConsoleServer
3200 through the modem card.
The modem card must be installed in card slot "A" of the ConsoleServer 3200 chassis.
The modem card will not function if it is inserted in any other card slot, nor will any other
card type function in slot A. To connect the modem card to the telephone network,
insert an ordinary telephone cable (RJ11) in the jack on the modem card, and insert the
other end in a telephone network jack, as outlined in section 5.3. See section 6.6 for
instructions on setting the modem initialization string.
The user interface for the modem card is identical to that found on the terminal card with
the exception of one command, which is outlined below. Only one user at a time may
connect to the modem card.
7.3.1 The B
ye Command
A user may disconnect from the modem card and automatically log out from the
ConsoleServer 3200 by sending the BYE command. This command will work at any
login level that the user may send commands to the ConsoleServer 3200 (i.e., logged
out, logged in, and monitor mode). When the command is received, the modem card
disconnects the telephone connection, and then logs the user out from the
ConsoleServer 3200. This command is unique to the modem card user interface.
7.4 Overview of Commands
Several levels of access are available to the user, from simple access of the
ConsoleServer 3200 to direct access of servers attached to the ConsoleServer 3200.
Many of the commands are sensitive to which level the user is in, and not all commands
are available at all levels.
The first prompt the user should see after connecting to the ConsoleServer 3200 is the
LCI3200> prompt (additional information may be on the screen as indicated in the