Check the following before calling for service.
O Is the power cord of the
display connected?
O Is the power indicator
light on?
O Is the power indicator
O Do you see an "OUT OF
RANGE" message on
the screen?
O Do you see a "CHECK
message on the
• Checkandseeifthe powercordisconnected
properlyto the power outlet.
• Pressthe Powerbutton.
• Ifthe displayisinpowersavingmode,try moving
the mouseor pressingany key onthe keyboardto
bring upthe screen.
• Try to turn on the PC.
• This messageappearswhenthe signalfromthe
PC (videocard)is outof horizontalor vertical
frequencyrangeof the display.Seethe
'Specifications'sectionof this manualand
configureyour displayagain.
• This messageappearswhenthe signalcable
betweenyour PC andyour displayis not
connected.Checkthe signal cableandtry again.
O Do yousee "OSD
LOCKED" when you
push MENUbutton?
• You can secure the current control settings,
so that they cannot be inadvertently changed.
You can unlock the OSD controls at any time
by pushing the MENU button for several
seconds: the message
"OSD UNLOCKED" will appear.