Click on‘Save’
If you set the Web server to ‘Use’, myweb folder is created in LG Network Storage so
that the user can post upload files on the web using SAMBA. To upload using FTP,
activating the FTP feature of myweb folder from the folder menu is supported.
The Web port for the user web is set to 80 by default.
If you want to use optional port, you can specify the port between 10000~50000.
You can post on the web by activating https(secure connection).
Specify the port used for secure connection.
MySQL : To implement webpage utilizing database, MySQL database is provided. MySQL
port is 3306 and MySQL administrator ID/PASSWORD is root/root. ‘mysql’database is
made as a default database.
This feature allows you to manage you Homepage.
Advanced Network Setup l Web Server Setup
Connect to Network Storage
Web Menu -> Configuration
-> Network Service Setting ->
click on ‘Web server’