Connect to Network Storage Web
Menu ->
Configuration ->
Backup setting -> Remote NAS
backup -> Click ‘Server’ tab.
After entering the job description, enter the ID of the user managing the data.
Select the destination folder that will save received backup data.
Enable remote data backup service by clicking ‘Use’ on the Rsync server.
Click on ‘Save’
Do not use the Admin account with the user ID.
Even though the user for Rsync server setting is registered LG NAS user, for secu-
rity reasons, create and use Rsync backup user.
The folder accessibility of Rsync backup user is recommended to be set only to use the fold-
ers during backup.
In order to backup data on a different Network Storage you must setup accordingly.
You can use Rsync feature to back up or restore data to another LG Network
Storage on a connected network.
1. Network Storage you would like to backup : Rsync server setup
Click on ‘Add’
Backup Setup l Rsync Setup (N2R5/N2B5 Product)