(Continued from previous page)
2. With the Main Menu on display, type the
number corresponding to the System Info
option, and press Enter.
The system will display a System Information
banner that contains important information
about the HCS6600, including the unit serial num-
ber, hardware ID (firmware version), and software
version. LG suggests that you record this infor-
mation for future reference. If you find it neces-
sary to call customer service or engineering sup-
port, please have this information available.
Reset the HCS6600
Use the following procedure if you wish to reset
the HCS6600.
1. Connect your PC to the HCS6600 Service
Port, and access the Main Menu as described
2. With the Main Menu on display, type the
number corresponding to the Reset option,
and press Enter.
The system resets the HCS6600. During the
reset process, several pages of status and diag-
nostic messages may be displayed. After reset,
the HCS6600 resumes normal operation, and
the system displays the System Information ban-
ner and Main Menu.
Update HCS6600 Firmware
Use the following procedure if you wish to
update HCS6600 firmware.
Note: If you are not sure of the current firmware
version, LG recommends that you view and
record the System Information (see procedure
above) before you initiate the firmware update.
1. Connect your PC to the HCS6600 Service
Port, and access the Main Menu as described
2. With the Main Menu on display, type the
number corresponding to the Update
Firmware option, and press Enter.
3. The system will request a configuration (.cfg)
file. Transfer the new configuration file using
Xmodem protocol.
For example, in HyperTerminal, select
Transfer and then Send File.... In the Send
File window, enter or select the appropriate
configuration file in the Filename field, and
select Xmodem in the Protocol field.
4. Upon receipt of the configuration file, the
system will request a package (.pkg) file.
Transfer the package file using Xmodem
This process may take several minutes;
please be patient. When the process is com-
plete, the system will report success or failure
of the firmware installation.
5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 of this procedure for
each HCS6600 card whose firmware you
wish to update.
6. Upon successful installation(s), power cycle
the system: Unplug the power cord of the card
frame for 15 seconds; then plug it in again.
Configuration Options (Cont.)